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Semester no.: 1; Duration : 14 weeks |
| | Mathematical analysis- Total number of course hours/semester: 28
- Total number of seminar hours/semester: 28
- ECTS: 4
| |
| | Descriptive geometry- Total number of course hours/semester: 28
- Total number of seminar hours/semester: 28
- ECTS: 4
| |
| | Technical drawing in civil engineering- Total number of course hours/semester: 28
- Total number of lab hours/semester: 28
- ECTS: 4
| |
| | Computer programming and programming languages- Total number of course hours/semester: 28
- Total number of lab hours/semester: 28
- ECTS: 5
| |
| | Technical chemistry- Total number of course hours/semester: 28
- Total number of lab hours/semester: 14
- ECTS: 4
| |
| | Mechanics- Total number of course hours/semester: 28
- Total number of seminar hours/semester: 28
- ECTS: 5
| |
| | Physical education- Total number of lab hours/semester: 28
- ECTS: 2
| |
| | Limbă străină- Total number of seminar hours/semester: 28
- ECTS: 2
| |
| | Limba italiană- Total number of seminar hours/semester: 28
- ECTS: 2
| |
| | German language- Total number of seminar hours/semester: 28
- ECTS: 2
| |
| | French Language- Total number of seminar hours/semester: 28
- ECTS: 2
| |
| | English language- Total number of seminar hours/semester: 28
- ECTS: 2
| |
| | Limba străina (facultativ)- Total number of seminar hours/semester: 28
- ECTS: 0
| |
| | German language (optional)- Total number of seminar hours/semester: 28
- ECTS: 0
| |
| | Limba franceza (facultativ)- Total number of seminar hours/semester: 28
- ECTS: 0
| |
| | Limba engleza (facultativ)- Total number of seminar hours/semester: 28
- ECTS: 0
| |
Semester no.: 2; Duration : 14 weeks |
| | Algebra, analytical geometry and differential equations- Total number of course hours/semester: 28
- Total number of seminar hours/semester: 28
- ECTS: 5
| |
| | Technical drawing in civil engineering- Total number of course hours/semester: 14
- Total number of lab hours/semester: 28
- ECTS: 3
| |
| | Computer programming and programming languages- Total number of course hours/semester: 14
- Total number of lab hours/semester: 28
- ECTS: 4
| |
| | Topography- Total number of course hours/semester: 28
- Total number of lab hours/semester: 28
- ECTS: 4
| |
| | Civil engineering materials- Total number of course hours/semester: 28
- Total number of lab hours/semester: 14
- ECTS: 4
| |
| | Mechanics- Total number of course hours/semester: 42
- Total number of seminar hours/semester: 28
- Total number of lab hours/semester: 14
- ECTS: 5
| |
| | Physical education- Total number of lab hours/semester: 28
- ECTS: 2
| |
| | Comunicare profesională- Total number of course hours/semester: 14
- ECTS: 1
| |
| | Technics history in civil engineering- Total number of course hours/semester: 14
- ECTS: 1
| |
| | Limbă străină- Total number of seminar hours/semester: 14
- ECTS: 2
| |
| | Limba italiană- Total number of seminar hours/semester: 14
- ECTS: 2
| |
| | German language- Total number of seminar hours/semester: 14
- ECTS: 2
| |
| | French Language- Total number of seminar hours/semester: 14
- ECTS: 2
| |
| | English language- Total number of seminar hours/semester: 14
- ECTS: 2
| |
| | Limba străina (facultativ)- Total number of seminar hours/semester: 28
- ECTS: 0
| |
| | German language (optional)- Total number of seminar hours/semester: 28
- ECTS: 0
| |
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Semester no.: 1; Duration : 14 weeks |
| | Special mathematics- Total number of course hours/semester: 28
- Total number of seminar hours/semester: 28
- ECTS: 4
| |
| | Strength of materials- Total number of course hours/semester: 28
- Total number of seminar hours/semester: 14
- ECTS: 4
| |
| | Thermotechnics- Total number of course hours/semester: 28
- Total number of lab hours/semester: 28
- ECTS: 4
| |
| | Geology engineering- Total number of course hours/semester: 14
- Total number of lab hours/semester: 14
- ECTS: 2
| |
| | Construction machinery- Total number of course hours/semester: 28
- ECTS: 2
| |
| | Economy and legislation in civil engineering- Total number of course hours/semester: 14
- Total number of lab hours/semester: 14
- ECTS: 3
| |
| | Communication paths and bridges- Total number of course hours/semester: 28
- Total number of lab hours/semester: 14
- ECTS: 2
| |
| | Statics of structures- Total number of course hours/semester: 28
- Total number of seminar hours/semester: 28
- ECTS: 5
| |
| | Physical education- Total number of lab hours/semester: 28
- ECTS: 2
| |
| | Limbă străină- Total number of seminar hours/semester: 14
- ECTS: 2
| |
| | French Language- Total number of seminar hours/semester: 14
- ECTS: 2
| |
| | English language- Total number of seminar hours/semester: 14
- ECTS: 2
| |
| | Limba străina (facultativ)- Total number of seminar hours/semester: 14
- ECTS: 0
| |
| | German language (optional)- Total number of seminar hours/semester: 14
- ECTS: 0
| |
Semester no.: 2; Duration : 14 weeks |
| | Technical physics- Total number of course hours/semester: 28
- Total number of seminar hours/semester: 14
- ECTS: 3
| |
| | Hydraulics- Total number of course hours/semester: 28
- Total number of lab hours/semester: 14
- ECTS: 4
| |
| | Strength of materials- Total number of course hours/semester: 28
- Total number of seminar hours/semester: 14
- Total number of lab hours/semester: 28
- ECTS: 4
| |
| | Reinforced Concrete structures- Total number of course hours/semester: 28
- Total number of lab hours/semester: 28
- ECTS: 4
| |
| | Hydrobuildings for urban environment- Total number of course hours/semester: 14
- Total number of lab hours/semester: 14
- ECTS: 2
| |
| | Statics of structures- Total number of course hours/semester: 42
- Total number of seminar hours/semester: 14
- Total number of lab hours/semester: 14
- ECTS: 4
| |
| | Physical education- Total number of lab hours/semester: 28
- ECTS: 2
| |
| | Practică |
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| | Limbă străină- Total number of seminar hours/semester: 14
- ECTS: 2
| |
| | French Language- Total number of seminar hours/semester: 14
- ECTS: 2
| |
| | English language- Total number of seminar hours/semester: 14
- ECTS: 2
| |
| | Industrial sociology- Total number of course hours/semester: 28
- ECTS: 2
| |
| | Limba străina (facultativ)- Total number of seminar hours/semester: 14
- ECTS: 0
| |
| | German language (optional)- Total number of seminar hours/semester: 14
- ECTS: 0
| |
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Semester no.: 1; Duration : 14 weeks |
| | Statistică în inginerie- Total number of course hours/semester: 28
- Total number of seminar hours/semester: 28
- ECTS: 4
| |
| | Theory of elasticity and shells- Total number of course hours/semester: 28
- Total number of lab hours/semester: 14
- ECTS: 4
| |
| | Geotechnics- Total number of course hours/semester: 28
- Total number of lab hours/semester: 28
- ECTS: 4
| |
| | Reinforced Concrete structures- Total number of course hours/semester: 42
- Total number of lab hours/semester: 14
- ECTS: 4
| |
| | Civil buildings- Total number of course hours/semester: 28
- Total number of lab hours/semester: 14
- ECTS: 4
| |
| | Wood buildings- Total number of course hours/semester: 14
- Total number of lab hours/semester: 14
- ECTS: 3
| |
| | Buildings foundation- Total number of course hours/semester: 28
- Total number of lab hours/semester: 28
- ECTS: 4
| |
| | Buildings safety- Total number of course hours/semester: 28
- Total number of lab hours/semester: 14
- ECTS: 3
| |
| | Probleme speciale de dinamica structurilor- Total number of course hours/semester: 28
- Total number of lab hours/semester: 14
- ECTS: 3
| |
| | Higrotermica şi acustica cladirilor- Total number of course hours/semester: 14
- ECTS: 0
| |
| | Buildings for agriculture and forming- Total number of course hours/semester: 28
- ECTS: 0
| |
Semester no.: 2; Duration : 14 weeks |
| | Dynamics and seismic engineering- Total number of course hours/semester: 28
- Total number of lab hours/semester: 28
- ECTS: 4
| |
| | Reinforced concrete structures- Total number of course hours/semester: 42
- Total number of project hours/semester: 42
- ECTS: 5
| |
| | Civil buildings- Total number of course hours/semester: 42
- Total number of project hours/semester: 42
- ECTS: 5
| |
| | Metalic structures- Total number of course hours/semester: 42
- Total number of lab hours/semester: 28
- ECTS: 5
| |
| | Elements of arhitecture- Total number of course hours/semester: 14
- ECTS: 2
| |
| | Introduction in finite element method- Total number of course hours/semester: 14
- Total number of lab hours/semester: 14
- ECTS: 2
| |
| | Practică |
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| | AUTOCAD 3D- Total number of course hours/semester: 14
- ECTS: 2
| |
| | Metode şi modele în amenajarea urbanistică- Total number of course hours/semester: 14
- ECTS: 2
| |
| | Buildings Insulation- Total number of course hours/semester: 28
- ECTS: 2
| |
| | Higrotermica şi acustica cladirilor- Total number of course hours/semester: 14
- ECTS: 0
| |
| | Ingineria mediului- Total number of course hours/semester: 14
- ECTS: 0
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Semester no.: 1; Duration : 14 weeks |
| | Reinforced and prestressed concrete- Total number of course hours/semester: 42
- Total number of project hours/semester: 42
- ECTS: 5
| |
| | Civil buildings- Total number of course hours/semester: 28
- Total number of project hours/semester: 28
- ECTS: 5
| |
| | Metalic structures- Total number of course hours/semester: 28
- Total number of project hours/semester: 28
- ECTS: 5
| |
| | Management in civil engineering- Total number of course hours/semester: 14
- ECTS: 3
| |
| | Computer Aided Design- Total number of course hours/semester: 14
- Total number of lab hours/semester: 28
- ECTS: 3
| |
| | Technology of constructions works- Total number of course hours/semester: 28
- Total number of lab hours/semester: 28
- ECTS: 4
| |
| | Mechanics of walls- Total number of course hours/semester: 28
- Total number of lab hours/semester: 14
- ECTS: 3
| |
| | Comportarea şi calculul automat al structurilor- Total number of course hours/semester: 28
- ECTS: 2
| |
| | Wind and seismic safety of structures- Total number of course hours/semester: 28
- ECTS: 2
| |
| | Reabilitarea postseismică a construcţiilor- Total number of course hours/semester: 28
- ECTS: 2
| |
| | Durabilitatea construcţiilor- Total number of course hours/semester: 28
- Total number of lab hours/semester: 14
- ECTS: 3
| |
Semester no.: 2; Duration : 14 weeks |
| | Equipments for informatics in constructions- Total number of course hours/semester: 28
- Total number of lab hours/semester: 28
- ECTS: 4
| |
| | Metalic structures- Total number of course hours/semester: 28
- Total number of project hours/semester: 28
- ECTS: 6
| |
| | Management in civil engineering- Total number of course hours/semester: 28
- Total number of lab hours/semester: 14
- ECTS: 4
| |
| | Technology of constructions works- Total number of course hours/semester: 28
- Total number of project hours/semester: 28
- ECTS: 4
| |
| | Undergraduate diploma project- Total number of project hours/semester: 84
- ECTS: 5
| |
| | Tehnologia lucrărilor de întreţinere , reparatii şi consolidări- Total number of course hours/semester: 28
- Total number of lab hours/semester: 14
- ECTS: 3
| |
| | Marketing- Total number of course hours/semester: 28
- Total number of lab hours/semester: 14
- ECTS: 3
| |
| | Buildings services- Total number of course hours/semester: 28
- Total number of lab hours/semester: 28
- ECTS: 4
| |
| | English language |
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