The Department of Teacher Training - University of Craiova
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Annals of the University of Craiova
Series Psychology, Pedagogy

Publication of Teaching Staff Training Department

                  Information for contributors

      Manuscripts for publication, should be submitted to PhD CORNEL NOVAC, editor-in-chief, (e-mail: or, Psychology-Pedagogy AUC, Teacher Staff Training Department, University of Craiova :

      Requests for the original typewritten papers:

      1.Chapters or sections should be designated with arabic numerals and subsections with small letters;

      -up: 5 cm
      -down: 4.75 cm
      -left: 3.75 cm
      -right: 3.75 cm i;

      3.Spacing: single

      -the body text: to the left and to the right;
      -the title of the article: alignment to the middle.
      -the titles of the paragraphs: alignment to the left with 1.27cm

 Postgraduate academic studies starting in October

 Enrollment to full-time programme

 Enrollment to Distance Learning and part-time programmes


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